An unconventional trademark is a type of trademark which does not fall in the category of conventional trademark or traditional trademark. An unconventional trademark is mainly in the form of sound marks, smell marks, shape marks, and color marks. An unconventional trademark must possess the communicative ability to be able to differentiate goods and services from one person from that of ...Read More
Directive On Copyright In The Digital Single MarketOur world, today, is shaped by the Internet. With the onslaught of the discussion about data privacy, it is seen how the Internet is used as a platform to shape people's mind and their opinions. The amount of content being c...Read More
IntroductionFirst time in India the term “image mark” has been used when Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL) obtained the trademark for the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel and Tower Wing Exterior (image) on 19th June 2016.[1] The registration number is 3386351 ...Read More
The word ‘adaptation’ connotes innocence. The minute we hear or read this word, we pass it off as something that is an innocent or general attempt to recreate a piece of work that has already been produced or composed and appreciated. The adaptation of any work signifies a bona fide replication of the original. But, is it always done in good faith? ...Read More
IntroductionTrade Secret or Patents! What to choose between both? A Big Confusion in the head of the company. The two have more differences than similarities.Patents give you the exclusive right to exclude others fr...Read More
IntroductionOn January 22, 2019, in the recent ruling of Helsinn Healthcare S.A. v. TevaPharmaceuticals USA, Inc., No. 17-1229, the US Supreme court held that inventors lose patent protection for inventions that they had sold or offe...Read More
The Drug Prices Control Order (DPCO), 2013, which as estimated by the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), has helped patients save over Rs. 15,000cr since its enactment has been amended by the Drugs (Prices Control) Amendment Order, 2019, by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers in favor of drugmakers, manufacturing new drugs, and drugs treating orphan/rare diseases.%...Read More
On 13th December, the Canadian government gave assent to the BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION ACT, 2018 to address various productive changes in Canadian Intellectual property laws. Modifications in IP laws were made to uplift the economy of Canada through innovative ideas and higher...Read More
IntroductionOpen Source Software (OSS) is a kind of software with source code that can be modified, enhanced, and inspected by ANYONE. In the case of an OSS, a person may alter how the software works or improve it by adding features or fixing parts that do not work properly, by modifyin...Read More
Recently, the social media giant Facebook filed a few controversial patents. They are called controversial because rather than being user-friendly the new patents filed could only be an aid to the revenues of the company itself. The latest patent is the one that can predict your destination before you reach it yourself. This patent has been deemed ‘ill-timed’ by some since the...Read More
For eons, humans have tried to create convenience. Be it the kindling of a fire or the development of the technology of a smartphone that detects your location and is linked to your bank account, humans have constantly tried to create a technology, that stands on par with the functioning of the normal human brain. However, in the bid to de...Read More
Non-patent exclusivity or Regulatory exclusivity is the core profit driver of the pharma industry. The rationale behind introducing regulatory exclusivity for drug products was that the amount of time taken to gain approval to market the drug product often leaves little viable protection period for the drug product under patents. Patents are often filled during the early developmental st...Read More
INTRODUCTIONAn Open Source Software is a type of software with a source code that can be modified, enhanced, and inspected by ANYONE. Source code is that part of a particular software program that empowers a person to alter how the software works or improve it by adding features or fixing parts that d...Read More
Patent Pool has been an ongoing subject discussion from both legal and economic points of view. Pool in simple terms means Accumulation. A Patent Pool is defined as an agreement between two or more patent owners to license their patents to one another or to third parties. The patent pool mostly comes into play when an inventor gets stuck in complex technology that requires a complementary patent in ...Read More
INTRODUCTIONThe basic objective of any competition policy is to ensure that there is legal entry/ exit of firms and smooth functioning of companies without the exercise of any malpractices. Some prominent anti-competitive practices are collusive bidding, abuse of dominant position, refusa...Read More