INTRODUCTIONSince the dawn of agriculture, farmers in India have sowed seeds, harvested crops, set aside a portion of the produce for seeds, and traded seeds with their neighbors. Every ritual in India involves seeds, it is the very symbol of life’s renewal. PGRs have always been regarded in India as "common ...Read More
Introduction:Metaverse is a shared virtual environment which utilizes virtual reality and augmented reality technology and devices-theoretically which blurs the difference between real and virtual world. The industries most likely to experience an immediate impact from the metaverse are entertainment, gamin...Read More
Meaning of Intellectual propertyThe term ‘Intellectual’ implies that it is specific to the mind or talent. Thus, Intellectual property refers to the creation of the human mind. It is non-physical (intangible) and it derives its value from ideas. It is a legal concept that confers the right to owners and creator...Read More
What is an SEP?A standard-compliance-related innovation is the subject of a Standard Essential Patent, which is a type of patent. These standards commonly make reference to technology that is shielded by the patent system. The term "standard essential patent" refers to a patent that covers a techn...Read More
Every innovation and creativity have to come across certain challenges while inventing them. If one creates something from scratch, then the probability of the uncertainties occurred can’t be left one. Hence if there is creation and invention, there will be uncertainty. We are witnessing different game changers and shifts of paradigm with respect to global trade. It is extremely difficul...Read More
A patent is an intellectual property right granted by a government to the inventor, to protect their invention and allow the fullest commercial exploitation of the patented invention. Importantly, only those who have developed new technologies and created a product can file for a patent on the new technology.%3...Read More
The Indian Patents Act, 1970 (Act) lays down the grounds on which an invention can be said to become patentable. These grounds are laid down under Section 2(1)(j) of the Act wherein it is said that an invention is any novel product or process whic...Read More
Qatar is a country in Western Asia. With economy soaring high, Qatar has the fourth highest GDP (PPP) per capita in the world and sixth highest GNI per capita as per the reports in 2020. Not only with this, Qatar has been classified as a country of very high human development with third highest HDI in the Arab World. With a high-income economy, it backed by the world's third-larges...Read More
The UAE is a member of the Paris Union and thus, since beginning, has implemented a robust patent law to incentivise the creators and give them a broad range of inventions to categorise their own. The patent seekers develop the confidence in the Intellectual Property regime and get their innovation protected. The oldest and foremost law related to industrial protection and law relating to ...Read More
IPR Laws getting more recognitionIPR Laws are getting increasingly more famous nowadays. It alleviates the innovative creators that their creation, thought, and revelation will remain theirs. Also, among them, patent laws are the most ...Read More
“In an adversarial proceeding when a litigant is dependent on the advice of the advocate, he should not suffer for any wrong advice or delay and laches on the part of the advocate conducting the litigation.”...Read More
With the fastest growing economy in the Arab World, Bahrain is making its global presence in the world. It has the freest economy in the Middle East and as per reports in Index of Economic Freedom published by The Wall Street Journal ranked Bahrain as the 12th freest economy in the world. In the last decade, City of London’s global Financ...Read More
Saudi Arabia, the second largest country in the Arab World and the fifth largest country in Asia is one of the most important countries in the Middle East. Being one of the world’s largest oil producer and largest oil exporter, Saudi Arabia is a key country. The country controls the world’s second largest oil reserve and sixth largest gas reserve. (The rankings are subject to change). The Saudi Arabia has been ranked high on ...Read More
The basic analogy behind the measurement of consumer harm relies especially on three factors i.e. price, quality, and innovation. Indian Courts, in various cases, have dealt with all three factors. A clear analysis of three factors inherently gives us two more subjects to deal with. Those two subjects famous in the Competition law area are Abuse of Dominance and the Refusal to license. To our observation, Indian law is successful in dealing wi...Read More
The need and importance of TM are always on the rise and with the advent of social media, the value has skyrocketed. The aim of the trademark from only protecting trade diversion to a competitor has emerged to benefit the consumer from not getting diverted or deceived by other marks in the market. This focus was shifted to the protection of the consumer from getting cheated. The trademark not only implies the identification (origin) of the good b...Read More