With the increasing trends of digital goods and services and others related to the internet, there has been a surge in the trademark registration of marks related to digital or the internet. Such artificial words are often registered as a trademark to denote certain product descriptions. In one of the latest issues, the term 'TOOLTIME' was granted registration of the trademark for the class of software and IT where the F...Read More
In the latest case concerning a trademark dispute between Zoom and Zoom, the European Court of Justice confirmed that there is no likelihood of confusion even though the goods claimed were under the same class 9, still, the functions are different. This dispute was interestin...Read More
Patents and the gaming industry Gaming can be defined as the running of specialized applications on consoles or personal devices for entertainment purposes. Generally, it is perceived as a hobby and in some cases, a competitive sport. Technological developments, over the years, have significantly advanced the gaming industry. Today, gamin...Read More
An overview on nanotechnology Nanotechnology can be broadly defined as a domain that deals with the engineering of matter at the scale of atoms and molecules. In nanotechnology, the size of a matter is measured in a billionth of a meter. The field of nanotechnology is also dedicated to studying the use of atomic, molecular, or supermolecular ...Read More
In the latest case, the German Federal Supreme Court ruled that the trademark “Black Friday” is canceled for essential services in the field of advertising, making this legally binding. This trademark has been a public issue for years, which now saw a strict cancellation from the Supreme Court. The big discount day like Black Friday was pretty much known in Germany, where we also see Hong Kong holding com...Read More
The function of patent law is to enable a patent holder to prohibit a third party from making, using, selling, importing, or otherwise violating their rights with respect to a patented invention. Primarily, patents can be classified into three types: utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. Utility patents ...Read More
An overview of the evolution of AI systems Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term that was first coined by John McCarthy from Dartmouth University in 1956. AI systems facilitate machines to comprehend and achieve complex tasks or goals. Often, AIs engage in deep learning or machine learning that would help the AI system absorb enormous amounts of data. Over the yea...Read More
The United States of America has always been a global center for the world’s best corporate and industries. Emerging startups and industries are constantly looking to enter the US for their expansion. Hence, it is important to discuss the issues related to the National Phase Entry through ...Read More
India is witnessing remarkable growth in various sectors making it one of the most favorite destinations for investors. With more and more investors coming to India, the number of IPs filing and grant are bound to increase. India witnessed a long journey since 2000 when its GDP at $468.39 billion started to rise phenomenally to almost five times, adding a whopping $2.62 trillion to the economy in 2020. Since contribution...Read More
In the 21st century, the use of technology is inevitable. From small shopkeepers to giant corporations, lawyers to doctors, everyone relies on some form of technology. However, this field of technology is extremely dynamic. It is constantly evolving. It is therefore important for lawyers and law firms to keep pace with this ever-evolving growth of tech-enabled law practice.%3...Read More
Patent Law Treaty: An outline The Patent Law Treaty is an international multilateral agreement that was concluded and brought into existence through a diplomatic conference that was held at the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. The diplomatic conference comprised 53 states as well as th...Read More
Bolar exception: An overview Intellectual property systems are created to incentivize and safeguard the rights of creators and inventors. More specifically, patent regimes that are in place across the world can help safeguard an invention for a limited period of time. Patents carry great relevance in the pharmaceutical industry by contributing u...Read More
Patent thickets: An overview In his paper titled ‘Navigating the patent thicket: Cross licenses, patent pools, and standard setting’, Carl Shapiro defines patent thickets as “a dense web of overlapping intellectual property rights %...Read More
After the completion of 30/31 months from the date of filing the local applications, the PCT application is eligible to enter the national or regional phase. Once the applicant has entered the national phase, the national or regional patent Offices concerned begin the process of determining whether they will grant you a patent. Any examination which these Offices may undertake should be made easier by the PCT internation...Read More