Startups Intellectual Property Protection Facilitation Scheme

Scheme for Facilitating Start-Ups Intellectual Property Protection (SIPP)

Technological developments have attained a rapid pace that has resulted in extreme industrial competitiveness. Big players are investing enormously to protect their Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). On other hand, Start-Ups having limited resources and manpower, struggle to file protection for their IPR. But it is equally important for them as well to protect their inventions. To remove this barrier, and encourage innovation and creativity, Start-Ups Intellectual Property Protection (SIPP) scheme has been incepted. SIPP facilitates the protection of Patents, Trademarks, and Designs. This scheme removes the burden of expenses for IP Protection, from Entrepreneurs as they don’t need to pay anything if falling under this scheme.

tart-Ups Intellectual Property Protection (SIPP)

Who can apply?

For utilizing the benefit of the SIPP scheme, Start-Up has to be certified by the Start-Up Certification Board. For this, Start-Up needs to be incorporated or registered in India not prior to five years, with annual turnover not exceeding INR 25 crores in any preceding financial year, working towards innovation, development, deployment, or commercialization of new products, processes, or services driven by technology or intellectual property.

Note: Such Start-Up must not be formed by splitting up, or reconstruction, of a business already in existence.

Who can be a Facilitator? Whether Facilitator’s assistance can be taken?

Yes, the Controller General of Patent, Trademark, and Design (CGPDTM) allows Facilitator’s assistance to be taken. The facilitator can be:

  • A Patent Agent registered with CGPDTM.
  • A Trademark Agent registered with CGPDTM.
  • An Advocate.
  • Government agencies like TIFAC, NRDC, BIRAC, DEITY, DSIR, etc.

Does the Facilitator need to be paid?

The Facilitator shall not charge anything from the Start-Up or the entrepreneur, and this fee shall be paid directly to the facilitator by Central Government through the office of CGPDTM.

What is the Period of Scheme?

The scheme shall run initially on a pilot basis, and shall be applicable for a period of 1 year from the date of launch of Start-Up India.

About the Author: Mr. Ankit Kumar, Patent Associate at Global Patent Filing. Can be reached at

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