Priority Date in Indian Patent Law



The priority date of a patent is the earliest filing date within a family of patent applications. In case of a single patent application, the priority date would be the filing date of the application. When the applicant files multiple related patent applications, the priority date would be the date of earliest patent filing that first disclosed the invention.

Importance of Priority Date

The priority date is significant for several reasons:

1. Establishing Novelty: This ensures that the invention is new and not been disclosed to the public earlier to setting the priority date.

2. Determining patent Rights: It helps in establishing the rights of the inventor over others who may file a patent application for a similar invention later.

3. Legal Protection: It provides a clear timeline for legal protection against infringement.


In India, Section 11 of the Patents Act of 1970 covers priority dates for claims for a complete specification:

1. Priority Date of a Claim

Each claim of the complete specification has a priority date.

2. Single Application with Provisional Specification

When a complete specification is filed in pursuance of a single application accompanied by a provisional specification, the date of filing of the provisional specification shall be deemed to be the date of filing of any claim included in the complete specification. The applicant can obtain the priority date from the provisional specification only to the extent that the claims in the complete specification are based on the matter disclosed in the provisional specification.

Multiple Applications

When a complete specification is filed as two or more applications, each accompanied by a provisional specification, the priority date of each claim depends on the specific provisional specification on which it is based:

a. In the case where a claim is completely disclosed in one of those multiple applications, the priority date is date of filing of that application

b. In the case where a claim is partly disclosed in one application and partly disclosed in another application, the priority date is date of the later filed application

Indian Patent Filing

[Image Sources: Shutterstock]

Previously Filed Application

If the claim of a complete specification is based on a previously filed application and is filed within 12 months of that application in India, the priority date of that claim is the date of the previously filed application.

Further Application

If a complete specification is filed in pursuance of a further application made by virtue of Section 16 and the claim is based on the matter disclosed in an earlier specification (provisional or complete), the priority date is the date of that earlier specification.

Multiple Priority Dates

If a claim of a complete specification has two or more priority dates, the earliest date will be the priority date.

General Rule for Priority Date

If none of the sub-sections mentioned above apply, the priority date is the date of filing of the complete specification.

Adjustments to Filing Dates

If there is a post-dating (changing the filing date to a later date) or ante-dating (changing the filing date to an earlier date) of the complete specification, then the priority date is the changed or adjusted date.

Impact on Claim Validity

A claim is not invalid due to:

a. Publication or use of the invention on or after priority date of that claim

b. Grant of another patent claiming the same invention with the same or a later priority date.

Practical Implications for Inventors

For inventors, understanding the concept of priority date is crucial for effective patent strategy:

• Filing a provisional application can secure an early priority date while allowing time to improve the invention.

• Careful consideration of multiple provisional applications can help maximize the benefits of different priority dates.

• For those seeking international patents, the priority date under the Paris Convention allows for claiming priority within twelve months in member countries.


The priority date is a fundamental aspect of patent law that protects the rights of inventors and ensures the novelty of inventions. In India, the rules governing the priority date are designed to provide flexibility and protection for inventors while maintaining a fair and transparent system for determining patent rights. Understanding and strategically utilizing the priority date can significantly enhance the prospects of securing and defending a patent.

Author : Neha Vivek A, in case of any query, contact us at Global Patent Filing or write back us via email at

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